5 key aspects of music videos. audience expectations.
1 genre conventions.
2 relationship of music/lyric to visuals (illustrative/amplified/disjuncture).
3 notions of looking (looking at something that we shouldn't)
Ang (1991)
States that 'audience hood is becoming an ever more multifaceted fragmented and diversified repertoire of practices and experiences'.
Stuart Hall
Dominant or preferred reading: The meaning they want you to have is usually accepted.
Negotiated reading: The dominant reading is only partially recognised or accepted and audience might disagree with some of it or find their own meaning.
Oppositional reading: The dominant reading is refused, rejected because the reader disagrees with it or is offended by it especially for political, religious, feminist reasons etc.
Charles Sanders Peirce (1931)
"We think only in signs".
Barry Keith grant
Suggests that genre allows audiences to identify them specifically by their familiar and what become recognisable characteristics.
Jason Mittell
Genre is a tool used to sell products to audiences.
Limitations of genre
Genre has become to refer to an inferior kind of text- something is "generic" therefore repetitive and cliché.
Attacks on genre derives from the notion of "high art" and "Creative individual"- a "Canon" for what is best in culture.
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